If breaker doesn’t stay on, outlet doesn’t work, light fixture doesn’t turn on or appliance is out of order
If electricity or wired internet is needed for PC, router or TV.
If you need more outlets or in different locations. You have a new lighting fixture that requires installation. Or you want an LED strip solution.
Within 5-10 years electrical connections get loose, fault and fire risk increase. Nowadays it is possible to add an affordable device, that will switch off the power in case a person is about to get electrocuted – this device saves lives!
In case you want electrical vehicle you also need charging at home. We help you choose charging solution and show how simple it is for daily usage.
You have a new stove, fridge or any other electrical appliance you don’t know how to use. Or you have a heat pump, washing machine, espresso maker, that requires cleaning.
It is possible to either reduce usage or use cheaper electricity. We will find more economical devices and install timers so that electricity would be consumed during then night, when it is cheaper.
You wish to get a hybrid or electrical vehicle? Would the new stove work with my very old wiring? How powerful heat pump do I need and is that manufacturer a reliable one? What about floor heating?